1.9.25 | Making HR Policies ALIGN Again
Speakers: Katy Faust, Josh Woods, and Patience Sunne.
11.20.24 | HR Cohort: Practicals of Creatively Implementing Biblical Principles
Bea Rosenhauch, CEA Member; Co-Founder: Ministry HR, Head of HR; Co-Founder: Bright Path Professionals
Randy Price, Owner: Right at Home of Northeast Texas
Laura Hollingsworth, Human Resource Director: Right At Home
Stephanie Lamb, Executive Director: Community of Hope
5.9.24 | Risky Business: Navigating the Artificial Intelligence Landscape
President, CEA
Senior Counsel
Alliance Defending Freedom
3.14.24 | Your Questions Answered: What Our Legal Victory Means to Current and Future Members
President, CEA
Senior Counsel
Alliance Defending Freedom
2.15.24 | Three Areas Where Your Business—and Religious Freedoms—Are Most Vulnerable
1.11.24 | Leading Effectively in a Distrusting World
In a rapidly changing world of constant virtue signaling and woke fakery, American workers are increasingly looking for authentic leaders who give clear messages that resonate with their common-sense values. Good communication begins with your self-leadership and the way you lead those around you. Read More>>
6.15.23 | Tricky Topic Series: Have You Pronoun-Proofed Your Business?
Speaker: Amy E. Fineman, Human Resources Partner @In HIS Name HR
11.9.23 | Latest FEI Survey Proves Resiliency of Freedom Economy
CEA, RedBalloon, and Public Square are three distinct organizations with the same vision: To help restore economic flourishing and the cherished freedoms once enjoyed by all.
That’s why they’ve joined forces to share valuable economic insights and trends from the Freedom Economy Index, which surveyed over 70,000 like-minded small businesses for October 2023.
Andrew Crapuchettes, Founder and CEO, RedBalloon
Michael Seifert, Founder and CEO, Public Square
Shannon O. Royce, JD, President, Christian Employers Alliance
5.11.23 | How Well Do You Know Your Hiring Rights?
Speaker: Amy E. Fineman, Human Resources Partner @In HIS Name HR
4.13.23 | Are You Leaving Money on the Table? Applying the Employee Retention Tax Credit to Your Advantage
Speaker: Mike L. Hanf, CPA, William Vaughn Co.